
I can't believe I can say I only have 6 weeks of school left after Auburn returns from Spring Break. I've had an amazing college experience and wouldn't change anything about it. I learned so much about myself and life the past four  five years (no I didn't fail!, thank you interior design for that great extra year!) Although I pulled all-nighters and reprinted projects numerous times because I'm a stickler for detail and perfection, although I spent many nights freaking out and crying to my mom and sister about interior design, or venting to my friends about my rapidly approaching real-world and adult life and freaking out about getting an internship or job of my dreams, I can honestly say I picked the perfect major for myself. Stress aside, I feel more than prepared (thanks to Auburn's Interior Design Program and my wonderful professors) to give that firm who takes a chance on me more than they can ask for, an employee who will work her butt off just to prove to them she was worth it, and to prove to the men in the construction world I'm not a dumb blonde. So ending on that note. Below is just a snippet of a collaborative project Meredith Olsen, Laura Sabo, and myself, Jamie Krywicki have been working on since August and ended yesterday with a great Prezi (prezi.com) presentation.

1st Floor Departmental Diagram

2nd Floor Departmental Diagram

3rd Floor Departmental Diagram

Nurses' Station Pre- Perspective

Office Pre-Perspective

Exam Room Pre-Perspective

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