
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

I always told myself that I'd start a business sometime in my life whether it be event planning, interior design or some sort of hobby. Well I might be making my goal a reality.
I student teach a sophomore interior design studio at Auburn and found a need for education outside of the classroom. As you walk on campus the bulletin boards are littered with tutoring flyers for physics, calculus, and chemistry but what about design? Is it possible? Most people would say you can't tutor people in design, you either have it or you don't. Those are the same people who think an interior designer rearranges furniture. Design is an intricate thing with many facets contributing to its success. Technology can a crutch or a nuisance, but a necessity. Auburn's interior design program is one of the best in the country and the time devoted to teaching Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, CAD, Sketchup and Revit is minimal. We can't blame the program though. There isn't enough time in the studio to go into great detail the capabilities of these programs. We're taught the basics and the expected to self teach the rest on our own. If we have to learn by trial and error we waste hours even days that could be going to project concentration.
Why can't someone offer a service to teach newbies in design programs these valuable computer skills?
Well I am. I decided to start a tutoring business for design. Will it be successful? I hope. If it's not well I try a gander at something else. Nothing ventured, nothing lost.

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