

I'm almost a week into my winter break from Auburn, but I'm still in Auburn and not really taking a break. I have to admit there isn't a part of me that can do absolutely nothing. I have to be on the go, doing something with my time. I'm trying to get in some extra hours at work this week for Christmas shopping money, research firms in Atlanta and tweak my portfolio and resume for my upcoming job search in January (which makes me scared/anxious/excited/nervous all at the same time).
I'm dedicating most of my break to reading, an activity I've recently taking up. I wasn't ever much of a reader, probably because any free time I've had in the past few years I've spent with my family and friends never with the desire to pick up a book, but I really do love it!
In a way it has become a competition (like most things in my life) with my fiancĂ© to see who can read more books. Reading is one of those things to keep your mind working even if it's reading a fiction series about vampires written for 13 year olds...guilty.  I'm currently reading, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It really makes you think and has you on the edge of your seat the entire time ( I recommend it to everyone). The rest of my break involves a lot of traveling in airplanes and cars so I plan to add to my tally on the chalkboard wall.

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