
Christmas: my favorite time of year

Like most, Christmas has been my favorite time of the year since I was a little girl. Not because of the presents or the long break from school, but because of tradition, family and those hilarious stories told every year around the dinner table that never getting old. Christmas to me marks the end of a year that may have had both good and bad times, adventures and unforgettable memories. Christmas marks the end of one chapter in the book of life and the start of a new one. 
For me 2011 had its' ups and downs, but for me the ups are what stay with me. 2011 began with a New 
Year's in Nashville, TN and a January in Auburn preparing for a Spring Semester aboard in Italy. 7 countries later, a million pictures, thousands of frequent flyer miles, an abroad check-list complete, and 19 new friends made up my Spring 2011. The summer was spent making up the classes and a studio I missed during my vacation study abroad semester, visiting family and making many many trips to Atlanta. But the most important thing to happen to both my family and me this summer was the birth of the 3rd grandchild/niece. With this Fall I've stumbled upon many opportunities to build my resume which will hopefully aid with future job opportunities. Auburn football weekends spent with my family and an engagement ring and proposal. As 2011 comes to a close I can say there hasn't been a dull moment. As my Mom says, "there's always something." Whether that something is good or bad it's done. I know 2012 will bring more memories, laughter and tears. A new addition to my family (another puppy Fritz, yes we already picked a name out and we don't get him till February) and a move to Atlanta in May (job or no job). 

Christmas pictures are never easy.  

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