
the Exceptional Presenter

Presenting projects and yourself to a potential employer and/or client can often make people nervous, anxious and uneasy. Sweaty palms, shaky hands and trembling voices are tendencies of nervous or unprepared presenters. 
I made a winter resolution to read more. Read more books that are relevant to my career and future. My very professional and well educated dad gives me and my three older siblings a book every Christmas. I have to admit I tend to throw these books on my bookshelf and that's the last I ever look at them. These books are always on the Wall Street Journal's Best Sellers list and in the past I automatically categorized them under: Boring. I'm not sure what got into me exactly, maybe the realization that I'm about to start marketing myself to architecture and interior design firms for a life career of design?  
I decided to begin my resolution of reading with one of the books my dad gave me. As I turned to the last page, read, highlighted the important information and closed the book my first thought was, "Maybe these books are relevant to me...I should probably go get another."
The Exceptional Presenter was the book by a man named Timothy J. Koegel. He points out common mistakes of presenting and how to correct your presenting faults. 
My suggestion to anyone about to interview or present an idea or project is to read this book. It's an easy read with relevant and important information for anyone trying to get that dream job or making a life changing deal. 

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